
Faith Communities Go Green Invites You Join the Plastic-Free EcoChallenge

Green Umbrella’s Faith Communities Go Green Team invites you to take the Plastic Free EcoChallenge throughout the month of July!

  • Have you considered using reusable grocery bags, but have not remembered to take them out of your car before going to the grocery store?
  • Have you thought of reducing your plastics usage, but have been unsure of where and how to start to make the biggest impact?
  • Have you been interested in learning what happens to the plastics once you put them in your recycling bin, but haven’t had the time or motivation to do so?
  • If so, you are not alone. Many of us have the best of intentions, but have just not formed these good, environmentally-friendly habits yet.

    Joining the Plastic Free EcoChallenge can help you form some of these good habits.

    Our team “Cincinnati Area Faith Communities Go Green” will be one of several hundreds of teams from all over the world, competing to see who can make the biggest impact in reducing their plastics usage.

    The goal of EcoChallenge is to help us change our behavior towards a greener lifestyle, while doing so in a fun, collaborative, and mildly competitive environment.

    You can choose your level of involvement. You can sign up for, say, one one-time activity that you may spend an hour doing in the entire month. Or, you can sign up for a few daily activities and some one-time activities.

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