K4P and Seeds of Peace Leadership Programs
K4P and Seeds of Peace Leadership Programs
K4P and Seeds of Peace Leadership Programs
During this historic time of overwhelming uncertainty and worldwide crisis, we will continue the momentum of our community’s interfaith collaboration through a series of short webinars, called “Turning to Faith.” At a time when we cannot be together physically, each half-hour “zoomette” will feature faith leaders’ spiritual sharing, prayer and interactive conversation while answering “chat” questions from the Zoom audience.
The second in our series will be held this Sunday, April 26, beginning at 4:00 pm. To join our community’s faith leaders for spiritual sharing, prayer and interactive conversation, please register HERE to receive your passcode to participate.
Rt. Rev. Thomas E. Breidenthal, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
Deborah Vance, Ph.D., Member, Baha’i Community of Cincinnati
Rev. Jim Newby, Pastor, Cincinnati Friends Meeting
Aruni Marapane, Member, Cincinnati Buddhist Community
Rev. Connie Simon, Pastor, First Unitarian Church
James P. Buchanan, Ph.D., Executive Director, XU Brueggeman Center for Dialogue, Moderato
Part 2 – Sunday, April 26 – Finding Peace in a time of Anxiety
Part 3 – Sunday, May 3 – Finding Courage in a time of Overwhelming Fear
Part 4 – Sunday, May 10 – Finding Community in a time of Social Isolation
All programs will air from 4:00 – 4:30 pm and require separate registrations. Please register HERE to receive your passcode to participate.
During this historic time of overwhelming uncertainty and worldwide crisis, we will continue the momentum of our community’s interfaith collaboration through a series of short webinars, called “Turning to Faith.” At a time when we cannot be together physically, each half-hour “zoomette” will feature faith leaders’ spiritual sharing, prayer and interactive conversation while answering “chat” questions from the Zoom audience.
The second in our series will be held this Sunday, April 26, beginning at 4:00 pm. To join our community’s faith leaders for spiritual sharing, prayer and interactive conversation, please register HERE to receive your passcode to participate.
Rt. Rev. Thomas E. Breidenthal, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
Deborah Vance, Ph.D., Member, Baha’i Community of Cincinnati
Rev. Jim Newby, Pastor, Cincinnati Friends Meeting
Aruni Marapane, Member, Cincinnati Buddhist Community
Rev. Connie Simon, Pastor, First Unitarian Church
James P. Buchanan, Ph.D., Executive Director, XU Brueggeman Center for Dialogue, Moderato
Part 2 – Sunday, April 26 – Finding Peace in a time of Anxiety
Part 3 – Sunday, May 3 – Finding Courage in a time of Overwhelming Fear
Part 4 – Sunday, May 10 – Finding Community in a time of Social Isolation
All programs will air from 4:00 – 4:30 pm and require separate registrations. Please register HERE to receive your passcode to participate.
I am delighted to invite you and your friends and family to our second annual Inspiring Hope Fundraiser on Sunday, April 5th from 3:00-4:30 p.m. at the Music Resource Center (3032 Woodburn Ave).
A lot has happened since last year’s Inspiring Hope event and even more is happening now. We can’t wait to fill you in!
Please consider attending the Inspiring Hope Event on April 5th as the youth tell you about what we’ve been up to, where we are headed, and why we need you to be part of the team!
Sunday, April 5
Inspiring Hope Fundraiser
@ the Music Resource Center
3032 Woodburn Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45206
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Registration and mingling
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – Program and dessert buffet
If you plan to attend, please let us know and register via EventBrite at bit.ly/k4p2020hope (or by clicking the blue rectangle above or below:)
Peace and love,
Adam Hayden
Chapter Coordinator
Kids4Peace Cincinnati