Celebrating Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN on the 20th Anniversary of Her Martyrdom (Mass)

Join us for a Mass Celebration to honor Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN’s life and legacy. Light refreshments will follow the service.

You are invited to join us for an outdoor Mass at the farm home of Byron and Dawn Brodt on Friday, September 6 at 7:00 pm.  Their farm is located at 10550 State Route 247, West Union OH 45693.  The Mass is being sponsored by Our Lady of the Hills Family of Parishes.  In case of inclement weather, Mass will be moved to Holy Trinity Catholic Church in West Union. Please bring a chair and a snack to share.  For more information, contact Patrick Hornschemeier, Chairperson of Southeast Catholic Rural Life, 513-752-0647.

On Sunday, November 24 – The Feast of Christ the King – Cardinal Wilton Gregory will celebrate mass at the Cathedral-Basilica of St. Peter in Chains at 11:00am to honor the 20th anniversary of Fr. Clarence Rivers passing.

For more information, check out the website. For questions, contact Deacon Royce Winters.

The 2023 Southeastern Rural Farm Mass will be held on Fri., September 8, at the home of Gary and Shirley Moran, located at 5565 Moran Rd, Ripley, OH 45167

It’s happening rain or shine at 7:00 pm. Please bring a chair and a dish to share .

September 8 is a blessing as Shirley has a special devotion to Mary and has a couple of Mary gardens. It is a beautiful 250 acre beef cattle farm with a civil war era house.

The St. Augustine deaneries Catholic Rural Life Committee would like invite all to celebrate and give thanksgiving for faith, farm, and family. During the mass Catholic families who have farmed and nurtured the same land for 100 years or more will be recognized through the Catholic Century Farm Awards. The Farm Mass will be held at the Buck & Fran Siefring Farm at 3598 State Route 705, New Weston, Ohio on Thursday, July 20th at 7:00 PM. with Archbishop Schnurr presiding. Stay after Mass for refreshments, music, and square dancing! All are welcome.

Catholic Century Awards application – Northwest

Apply to have your family farm recognized. This award is to recognize Catholic families who have farmed the same land for 100 years or more and has not already been recognized. Please call Roger Hoying 419-733-4543 for an application. Must respond by June 1. Award to be given on July 20th at the Rural-Urban Farm Mass.