February 11

7:00 pm – 8:15 pm


The Laudato Si’ Circle of the Family of the Most Holy Eucharist parishes invites you to an event dedicated to reflecting on the incredible life of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN.

We will explore her legacy through a PowerPoint presentation and two short videos and review other Eco-Martyrs and lost species featured in the Season of Creation 2024 Catholic liturgy guide. We will begin and end our remembrance with prayer.

REGISTER: email Monica Kleimeyer at laudatosicircle@gmail.com or text 513-520-0125.
Deadline to register: Monday, February 10, 2025 at 5 p.m.

Those registered will receive the Dorothy Stang Novena nine days before the meeting. Join us as we honor her life and continue the call to care for creation.

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Remembering Sr. Dorothy Stang, other Eco-Martyrs and lost species. | February 11, 2025 | 20thAnniversary

Join FCGG Book Club on zoom for an engaging discussion of 

The Hidden Life of Trees, What They Feel, How They Communicate, by Peter Wohlleben.

January 22nd, 2025
7:30 to 8:30pm. 

REGISTER today to get the zoom link. 

Book Information

Celebrating Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN on the 20th Anniversary of Her Martyrdom (Mass)

Join us for a Mass Celebration to honor Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN’s life and legacy. Light refreshments will follow the service.

Join eco-spiritual artist, filmmaker, and educator Imogene Drummond as she shares the exciting possibility of creating Cosmogenesis through art. In this presentation, Imogene will explore the connection between cosmogenesis and creativity as demonstrated by her Art Sparks Cosmic Creativity and Well-Being Program. She will also share how developing individual creativity strengthens empowerment and healing.


Imogene Drummond, M.F.A., M.S.W., is an internationally collected artist, award-winning filmmaker, artist/educator, and author of articles about cultural transformation. Her website is www.imogenedrummond.com.


In collaboration with Xavier University’s Ethics/Religion & Society Program, the Brueggeman Center is proud to sponsor a conversation with Professor Kevin J. O’Brien on “Climate Change and Intersectionality: Expanding the Conversations.”

How is our consideration of environmental issues, such as climate change, transformed when considered through an intersectional lens, attentive to realities of race, class, and gender? Can our awareness of systematic factors, such as relationships of power, and patterns of injustice and exclusion deepen our understanding of what environmental justice requires?

Professor Kevin J. O’Brien (Theology, Pacific Lutheran University) will engage issues of social and environmental justice in conversation with Professors Kristine Suna-Koro (Theology), Bethany Henning (Philosophy/ERS) and Mich Nyawalo (RIGS).

Tuesday, April 18th @ 4:30PM – Conaton Board Room (2nd Floor, Schmidt Hall) on the Xavier University campus.

Please join us.

Join us at Ohio’s largest sustainable agriculture conference February 16-18, 2023, in Newark, Ohio! The 44th annual OEFFA conference is three days full of live learning, shopping, sharing, and connecting with sustainable farmers, gardeners, and local food supporters.

With 50+ workshops on everything from farmers markets to livestock management, a big exhibit hall for shopping and networking, a few happy hours to gather and celebrate, locally-sourced lunches, and much more, we hope to see you there!

In honor of Earth Day 2022, Tricycle is bringing together leading Buddhist teachers, writers, and environmentalists for a donation-based weeklong virtual event series exploring what the dharma has to offer in a time of environmental crisis. This week’s events will explore three dimensions of the ecological crisis: the spiritual and psychological roots of the crisis, dealing with the difficult emotions that arise, and taking meaningful action.

Event replays will be made available to all registrants after the end of the summit.

This is a donation-based event. The suggested donation is $30.

Visit the event website to register.

In honor of Earth Day 2022, Tricycle is bringing together leading Buddhist teachers, writers, and environmentalists for a donation-based weeklong virtual event series exploring what the dharma has to offer in a time of environmental crisis. This week’s events will explore three dimensions of the ecological crisis: the spiritual and psychological roots of the crisis, dealing with the difficult emotions that arise, and taking meaningful action.

Event replays will be made available to all registrants after the end of the summit.

This is a donation-based event. The suggested donation is $30.

Visit the event website to register.