Catholic Climate Covenant and Laudato Si’ Movement warmly invite you to join us for an online conversation with renowned climate scientist, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe and Fordham professor of theology, Dr. Christiana Zenner.

The Faith Voice at COP28
Thursday, November 30th at 12- 1 pm (ET)

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The world’s attention will be on the critically important climate conference (COP28) that begins on Nov. 30th in Dubai. In this timely discussion, Dr. Hayhoe, Dr. Zenner, and staff from Laudato Si’ Movement and Catholic Climate Covenant will provide insight and analysis on:

  • COP28: The expectations for this global meeting, the key issues the delegates will discuss, and the impact Pope Francis might have when he addresses the delegates on Dec. 2nd.
  • Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Laudate Deum, and how it might impact the outcomes of the COP28 meeting.
  • The Vatican’s goals for COP28.
  • Why (and how) the U.S Catholic community should take action (nationally and globally) as the world debates the climate crisis during and after COP28.

In collaboration with Xavier University’s Ethics/Religion & Society Program, the Brueggeman Center is proud to sponsor a conversation with Professor Kevin J. O’Brien on “Climate Change and Intersectionality: Expanding the Conversations.”

How is our consideration of environmental issues, such as climate change, transformed when considered through an intersectional lens, attentive to realities of race, class, and gender? Can our awareness of systematic factors, such as relationships of power, and patterns of injustice and exclusion deepen our understanding of what environmental justice requires?

Professor Kevin J. O’Brien (Theology, Pacific Lutheran University) will engage issues of social and environmental justice in conversation with Professors Kristine Suna-Koro (Theology), Bethany Henning (Philosophy/ERS) and Mich Nyawalo (RIGS).

Tuesday, April 18th @ 4:30PM – Conaton Board Room (2nd Floor, Schmidt Hall) on the Xavier University campus.

Please join us.