The 2023 Southeastern Rural Farm Mass will be held on Fri., September 8, at the home of Gary and Shirley Moran, located at 5565 Moran Rd, Ripley, OH 45167

It’s happening rain or shine at 7:00 pm. Please bring a chair and a dish to share .

September 8 is a blessing as Shirley has a special devotion to Mary and has a couple of Mary gardens. It is a beautiful 250 acre beef cattle farm with a civil war era house.

The St. Augustine deaneries Catholic Rural Life Committee would like invite all to celebrate and give thanksgiving for faith, farm, and family. During the mass Catholic families who have farmed and nurtured the same land for 100 years or more will be recognized through the Catholic Century Farm Awards. The Farm Mass will be held at the Buck & Fran Siefring Farm at 3598 State Route 705, New Weston, Ohio on Thursday, July 20th at 7:00 PM. with Archbishop Schnurr presiding. Stay after Mass for refreshments, music, and square dancing! All are welcome.

Catholic Century Awards application – Northwest

Apply to have your family farm recognized. This award is to recognize Catholic families who have farmed the same land for 100 years or more and has not already been recognized. Please call Roger Hoying 419-733-4543 for an application. Must respond by June 1. Award to be given on July 20th at the Rural-Urban Farm Mass.

Every five years, the Farm Bill – a massive piece of legislation which addresses farms, food, and foreign aid – is up for reauthorization. The amount of good this money does is almost immeasurable, and as our office has a special focus on rural life, poverty, and global solidarity, we are especially interested in what happens with this process, i.e. how much money is allocated and how it will be used.

This year, the Social Action Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is partnering with the Catholic Conference of Ohio, the dioceses of Columbus and Cleveland, and Bread for the World to offer events in each of these areas of Ohio. Each of the events will be held from 7:00-9:00pm and will be offered in person and streamed online.

  • Cleveland’s presentation will be held at St. Monica Parish in Garfield Heights on Thursday 4/27.
  • Cincinnati’s presentation will be held at the Community of the Good Shepherd in Cincinnati (8815 E Kemper Road) on Thursday 5/4.
  • Columbus’s presentation will be held at the Martin de Porres Center in Columbus on Wednesday 5/10.

Registration to attend in person is requested, and it’s required to join virtually. If you have any questions, please let Andrew know.

The Brueggeman Center for Dialogue and the Ethics/Religion & Society Program invite you to attend Xavier University’s Inaugural Laudato Sí Lecture by Dr. Nancy Tuchman, Founding Dean of the School of Environmental Sustainability at Loyola University in Chicago:  April 26, 2023 at 7 pm in the Conaton Board Room in Schmidt Hall on the campus of Xavier University. Laudato Sí refers to Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical and his subsequent call (the Laudato Sí Action Plan) for people of good will to create and implement plans that will promote care for the Earth, our common home.

Dr. Tuchman chairs the International Association of Jesuit Universities’ (IAJU) Task Force on Environmental & Economic Justice and she co-edits the Jesuits’ free online environmental science textbook Healing Earth, which received the inaugural Expanded Reason Award from Pope Francis and the Vatican in 2017.

Dr. Tuchman will speak on “The Role of Jesuit Universities in Advancing Laudato Sí.”

The Archdiocesan Care for Creation Task Force is eager to welcome people to learn about this powerful initiative from the Vatican to unite Catholics around the globe as we seek to love and care for all of God’s creation. Our Archdiocese has joined, and we’re looking to engage individuals and families, families of parishes, schools, and all others in this work.

We’ve got multiple virtual introductory sessions coming up, and we’d love for you to join us (and bring a friend!) for an hour to learn about the LSAP and how you can get involved.

Tues. 2/7 at 12:30pm

Tues. 2/7 at 6:30pm

Registration is not required, but we would love to know if you plan to attend. RSVP with Tammie Mers, in the Catholic Social Action office. Please contact Liliana Sierra, with any questions. All are welcome!

On January 17th at Our Lady of Sorrows, Monroe, Ohio and January 18th St. Monica-St. George, Cincinnati, Ohio The Office for Persons with Disabilities will sponsor a workshop on how to start Mental Health Ministry in your parish hosted by Deacon Ed Schoener, President of The Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers.

Why Mental Health Ministry?

·      1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year

·      1 in 20 U.S. adults experience serious mental illness each year

·      1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year

·      50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24

·      Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-14

*National Alliance of Mental Illness


Learn how to serve and provide opportunities for individuals and families suffering with mental illness to grow in faith.

“Whoever suffers from mental illness always bears God’s image and likeness in themselves, as does every human being. In addition, they always have the inalienable right not only to be considered as an image of God and therefore as a person, but also to be treated as such.” (Pope John Paul II, International Conference for Health Care Workers, on Illnesses of the Human Mind, November 30, 1996.

Register by email: Lisa Averion

January 17th registration: Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Mental Health Ministry Workshop (

January 18

On Saturday, March 4, 2023, the Archdiocese Care for Creation Task Force will be holding a full-day Laudato Si Action Platform conference at Curran Place on the University of Dayton campus. It’s scheduled for 8:30am – 4:30pm and will include opportunities for prayer, learning, networking, planning, and sharing. We’ll have information on multiple topics for multiple audiences, both in large group sessions and breakouts. Visit this website for more information and (coming soon) the registration link.

The Laudato Si Action Platform is the collaborative effort of the global Roman Catholic Church to address caring for God’s creation. You can learn more about it here or contact Andrew Musgrave with any questions.

During the 2016 election season, several offices in the Archdiocese partnered together to launch a program – Civilize It – that called on both the principles of USCCB’s Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship and our faith’s demand that we recognize and honor the dignity of every person. (Prior to the 2020 election, the USCCB adopted this program as part of their national initiative to call for charity, clarity, and creativity in our politics.) At the same time…

In the wake of the very divisive 2016 election, a new organization – Braver Angels – was formed to heal the division that was tearing us apart. The founders harkened back to President Lincoln’s call for us to appeal to our “better angels” to guide us towards reconciliation, peace, and civility. (Since that time, Braver Angels has grown into a national organization with coordinators in all 50 states.)

In recent months, the Respect Life and Social Action offices have been working with Braver Angels to bring these two programs together: using the ideals and values of Civilize It and the proven practices of Braver Angels. The overlap of the ideas of the two programs is overwhelming, and the synergy that has been created has been significant.

We are proud to now be able to offer the first fruits of this work. The primary workshop of Braver Angels is the Red-Blue Workshop, and we are offering, for the first time, the Red-Blue Workshop – Catholic version. We’ll share more about the content of the workshop next month, but here are details to save on your calendar: the workshop will take place on two successive Thursdays – June 2nd and 9th from 6:00-9:00pm (over Zoom). There are a limited number of spots available so we’ll have registration for the program, and we’ll be sure to have an equal number of people who tend to lean red and tend to lean blue.

If you have any questions, please contact the Social Action Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Don’t forget to save the dates, and look for more information next month.

During the 2016 election season, several offices in the Archdiocese partnered together to launch a program – Civilize It – that called on both the principles of USCCB’s Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship and our faith’s demand that we recognize and honor the dignity of every person. (Prior to the 2020 election, the USCCB adopted this program as part of their national initiative to call for charity, clarity, and creativity in our politics.) At the same time…

In the wake of the very divisive 2016 election, a new organization – Braver Angels – was formed to heal the division that was tearing us apart. The founders harkened back to President Lincoln’s call for us to appeal to our “better angels” to guide us towards reconciliation, peace, and civility. (Since that time, Braver Angels has grown into a national organization with coordinators in all 50 states.)

In recent months, the Respect Life and Social Action offices have been working with Braver Angels to bring these two programs together: using the ideals and values of Civilize It and the proven practices of Braver Angels. The overlap of the ideas of the two programs is overwhelming, and the synergy that has been created has been significant.

We are proud to now be able to offer the first fruits of this work. The primary workshop of Braver Angels is the Red-Blue Workshop, and we are offering, for the first time, the Red-Blue Workshop – Catholic version. We’ll share more about the content of the workshop next month, but here are details to save on your calendar: the workshop will take place on two successive Thursdays – June 2nd and 9th from 6:00-9:00pm (over Zoom). There are a limited number of spots available so we’ll have registration for the program, and we’ll be sure to have an equal number of people who tend to lean red and tend to lean blue.

If you have any questions, please contact the Social Action Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Don’t forget to save the dates, and look for more information next month.

During the 2016 election season, several offices in the Archdiocese partnered together to launch a program – Civilize It – that called on both the principles of USCCB’s Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship and our faith’s demand that we recognize and honor the dignity of every person. (Prior to the 2020 election, the USCCB adopted this program as part of their national initiative to call for charity, clarity, and creativity in our politics.) At the same time…

In the wake of the very divisive 2016 election, a new organization – Braver Angels – was formed to heal the division that was tearing us apart. The founders harkened back to President Lincoln’s call for us to appeal to our “better angels” to guide us towards reconciliation, peace, and civility. (Since that time, Braver Angels has grown into a national organization with coordinators in all 50 states.)

In recent months, the Respect Life and Social Action offices have been working with Braver Angels to bring these two programs together: using the ideals and values of Civilize It and the proven practices of Braver Angels. The overlap of the ideas of the two programs is overwhelming, and the synergy that has been created has been significant.

We are proud to now be able to offer the first fruits of this work. The primary workshop of Braver Angels is the Red-Blue Workshop, and we are offering, for the first time, the Red-Blue Workshop – Catholic version. We’ll share more about the content of the workshop next month, but here are details to save on your calendar: the workshop will take place on two successive Thursdays – June 2nd and 9th from 6:00-9:00pm (over Zoom). There are a limited number of spots available so we’ll have registration for the program, and we’ll be sure to have an equal number of people who tend to lean red and tend to lean blue.

If you have any questions, please contact the Social Action Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Don’t forget to save the dates, and look for more information next month.