February 11

7:00 pm – 8:15 pm


The Laudato Si’ Circle of the Family of the Most Holy Eucharist parishes invites you to an event dedicated to reflecting on the incredible life of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN.

We will explore her legacy through a PowerPoint presentation and two short videos and review other Eco-Martyrs and lost species featured in the Season of Creation 2024 Catholic liturgy guide. We will begin and end our remembrance with prayer.

REGISTER: email Monica Kleimeyer at laudatosicircle@gmail.com or text 513-520-0125.
Deadline to register: Monday, February 10, 2025 at 5 p.m.

Those registered will receive the Dorothy Stang Novena nine days before the meeting. Join us as we honor her life and continue the call to care for creation.

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Remembering Sr. Dorothy Stang, other Eco-Martyrs and lost species. | February 11, 2025 | 20thAnniversary

Special Exhibit Honoring Sr. Dorothy Stang

June 7, 2025, open by appointment

Sign up here: Schedule to Visit the Heritage Hall and Museum

Celebrating Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN on the 20th Anniversary of Her Martyrdom (Mass)

Join us for a Mass Celebration to honor Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN’s life and legacy. Light refreshments will follow the service.

Every year, our criminal justice system puts innocent people behind bars. This injustice must be addressed, and the Ohio Innocence Project (OIP) takes on this mission. On Wed., 10/2, we will join our partners from the ELCA to present a day on the work of the OIP, hearing from both the professionals who run the program as well as several exonerees. We will also hear a legislative update on several related bills and have a chance for conversation with the exonerees.

A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

The cost of the event is $25, but we are happy to cover this cost for priests, deacons, and vowed religious if it’d be helpful. Please enter VOWED2024 in the coupon line, and you will not be charged.

The Depolarizing Within Workshop is a free workshop with Braver Angels that helps participants look within to see how they are engaging or participating in polarizing ways. The workshop offers participants the tools to develop strategies for engaging in political discussion without demonizing the other side. It also shows how to constructively intervene in social conversations with like-minded peers.

This workshop is designed to foster skills to recognize and lessen the effects of polarization when encountered within political conversations with your like-minded circle. When referring to “polarization,” Braver Angels is not referring to healthy disagreements over issues or philosophy. We are looking at how we regard and talk in polarizing terms about large groups of ordinary people on the other side of the political aisle.

Goals of this workshop:

  • Develop strategies for engaging in political discussion without demonizing the other side
  • Constructively intervene in social conversations with likeminded peers
  • Recognize and lessen the effects of polarization when encountered within political conversations with your like-minded circle, 

You are invited to join us for an outdoor Mass at the farm home of Byron and Dawn Brodt on Friday, September 6 at 7:00 pm.  Their farm is located at 10550 State Route 247, West Union OH 45693.  The Mass is being sponsored by Our Lady of the Hills Family of Parishes.  In case of inclement weather, Mass will be moved to Holy Trinity Catholic Church in West Union. Please bring a chair and a snack to share.  For more information, contact Patrick Hornschemeier, Chairperson of Southeast Catholic Rural Life, 513-752-0647.

On Sunday, November 24 – The Feast of Christ the King – Cardinal Wilton Gregory will celebrate mass at the Cathedral-Basilica of St. Peter in Chains at 11:00am to honor the 20th anniversary of Fr. Clarence Rivers passing.

For more information, check out the website. For questions, contact Deacon Royce Winters.

On Monday, September 9 – The Feast of St. Peter Claver – Archbishop Schnurr will celebrate mass at the Cathedral-Basilica of St. Peter in Chains at 7:00pm to honor the 40th anniversary of the pastoral by the 10 Black Catholic U.S. bishops.

For more information on this event and others, check out the website. For questions, contact Deacon Royce Winters.

We again find ourselves in an election year where the country is deeply divided and unable to find common ground, and neither party (nor any candidate) fully represents our Catholic commitment to life and dignity.

Thankfully, we don’t have to rely on a party platform to tell us how to vote; in fact, we aren’t called to vote Democrat or Republican. We are called to vote Catholic, and the archdiocese has a resource to help you do that: iVoteCatholic.org. On this website, you’ll find information about key issues – the life and dignity of the human person, care for creation, love for people who are poor and vulnerable, etc. – as well as resources to use in liturgies, meetings, classrooms, and homes.

Check out iVoteCatholic.org and help yourself and your community face the coming election with faith, compassion, and a commitment to loving your neighbors.

If you’d like to learn more about iVoteCatholic – especially if you’re a parish leader – please join us for a short virtual presentation. We’ll offer the presentation twice, both times exploring the resources on the website, answering questions, and taking recommendations for how to make iVoteCatholic more helpful.

Monday, July 1, 11:00-11:45am

To register, please click here.

If you have any questions, please contact Andrew.

The Social Action Office of the Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is partnering with other offices in the Archdiocese to bring you a six-part series featuring Fr. Aaron Wessman, PhD, Glenmary Home Missioners. Fr. Aaron has written a book titled, The Church’s Mission in a Polarized World, and over the course of the series he will be exploring six themes in the book and connecting them to the blessed sacrament. While they’re still working on finalizing the details on the last couple of sessions, here is the information on the first few.

Session 4: Polarized Exclusion or Eucharistic Fellowship

Thursday, August 8, 7:00pm, St. Bernard, Derber Ave., Cincinnati

Session 5: Polarized Domination or Eucharistic Sacrifice

Thursday, September 11, 7:00pm, Immaculate Conception, S. Smithville Rd., Dayton

Session 6: Polarized Despair or Eucharistic Hope

Wednesday, October 24, 7:00pm, St. Maximillian Kolbe, Hamilton Mason Rd., Liberty Township

All events will be hybrid – offered both in person and streamed over Zoom.

If possible, the hosts would love to have as many people as possible join us in person so we can have some more engaging Q&A and discussion at the conclusion of the talks.

https://zoom.us/j/99177580089 | Meeting ID: 991 7758 0089 | Dial in: 312 626 6799

Please contact Jill with any questions about the series.