Join advocates to hear about the strategy to mitigate the death penalty in the upcoming year and ways that you can take action.

Anti-Death Penalty Statewide Working Group Meeting
Monday, February 3
12:00 PM or 6:00 PM
Via Zoom

Ohio’s legislative process happens in two year increments which means a new General Assembly (136) will start in January and bills will have two years to make it through the legislative process. You can join the effort by attending our monthly anti-death penalty statewide meetings on the first Monday of every month at either 12:00 PM or 6:00 PM. You can also join our listserv to stay updated on grassroots efforts.

Anti-Death Penalty Statewide Working Group
Monday, January 6
12:00 – 1:00 PM OR 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Via Zoom

Register here for the meetings and to be added to the listserv.

Ohio’s legislative process happens in two year increments which means a new General Assembly (136) will start in January and bills will have two years to make it through the legislative process. You can join the effort by attending our monthly anti-death penalty statewide meetings on the first Monday of every month at either 12:00 PM or 6:00 PM. You can also join our listserv to stay updated on grassroots efforts.

Anti-Death Penalty Statewide Working Group
Monday, January 6
12:00 – 1:00 PM OR 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Via Zoom

Register here for the meetings and to be added to the listserv.

Senate Bill 101 All Party Testimony
December 4, 2024
9:15 AM
Ohio Statehouse
1 Capitol Square


Join anti-death penalty advocates and Ignite Peace Staff to pack the hearing room for Senate Bill 101. This will be the fourth hearing for the bill.

Parking Options

Written Testimony
If you DID NOT write written testimony last year you can submit written testimony now. Click here to see if you submitted testimony already. Click here for instructions.

Join advocates for the last meeting of the year to get a preview of the work for the next General Assembly and to spend some time celebrating YOUR amazing work to end the death penalty.

Anti-Death Penalty Grassroots Meeting
Monday, December 2nd
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Via Zoom

Date: Wednesday, 10/2, 9:00am-3:00pm

Location: Curran Place, UD

Every year, our criminal justice system puts innocent people behind bars. This injustice must be addressed, and the Ohio Innocence Project takes on this mission. On Wed., 10/2, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Diocese of Columbus, and ELCA Southern Ohio Synod will present a day on the work of the OIP, hearing from both the professionals who run the program as well as several exonerees. We will also hear a legislative update on several related bills and have a chance for conversation with the exonerees.

For more information, check out the event website or contact Andrew Musgrave. You can register here.

Want to get more involved in grassroots efforts to end the death penalty? Join a regional team meeting to hear legislative updates, sign up to collect postcards, and learn about ways to engage in advocacy action.

Anti-Death Penalty Regional Team Meeting
Monday, May 6
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Virtual – Via Zoom

Northern Ohio – Join via Zoom here.
Southern Ohio – Join via Zoom here.

Questions? Email

Join Ignite Peace for the next anti-death penalty regional team meeting. Meet with other advocates and learn about upcoming actions.

Anti-Death Penalty Regional Grassroots Meeting
Monday, April 1
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Via Zoom

Northern Meeting Link
Southern Meeting Link

Anti-Death Penalty Regional Grassroots Meetings
Monday, February 5
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Virtual – Zoom 

Join the Northern Ohio meeting here.
Join the Southern Ohio meeting here.

Questions? Email

The 24-hour Day of Prayer vigil will take place at the Columbus Statehouse starting at 5:00 PM on Monday, October 9th and end at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, October 10th.

All people of faith, including faith leaders, are invited to participate in the programming or lead the community in prayer, bear witness, or sing.

Register for the vigil here.

Questions? Email