Under Ken Wright’s leadership, seventy faith communities completed Faith Communities Go Green’s survey to participate in our Energy Efficiency Initiative (EEI) that kicked off January 8th , 2024. Forty percent of the EEI participants represent underserved minority communities. Under the Biden administration, federal grant applications require 40% of grant applicants come from underserved minority communities which are identified on the Federal “J40” map (“J” for Justice and “40” for the required 40% on federal grants). The City of Cincinnati included ten J40 FCGG Houses of Worship on their grant application. Through the work by Ken and his team of volunteers, we learned that these ten Houses of Worship spent an average of $23,700 a year on utility bills, ranging from $5,200 to $53,800. Their energy use averaged 50 kBTU/sq-ft/yr, well above the national average of 30 kBTU/sq-ft/yr reported by the EPA. Our ten J40 Houses of Worship energy use ranged from 30 to 70 kBTU/sq-ft/yr.
Though the City was not awarded the grant, we developed recommend energy efficiency improvements for each house of worship. Many of these projects can be done themselves, but some would require hiring a contractor. Energy efficiency improvements result in lower utility bills and reduced CO2 emission that will protect the planet’s climate.
We are working with the director of CoopCincy to be ready to apply for grants coming available in January 2025 through the State of Ohio. Federal grant money is given in block form to each State. We hope to have at least 25 Ohio Houses of Worship ready with completed audits to define needed projects and financial support in grant applications. Some of these grant opportunities will require ASHRAE Level 2 audits.
Your donations will help these Houses of Worship pay for an ASHRAE Level 2 audit. Please send your questions to Ken at facilities@fcgg.org