By: Jan Armstrong Cobb
Cincinnati, OH — “The best way to accept diversity of religion is to be educated about all the different religions.” To further this vision, the annual Cincinnati Festival of Faiths will begin on Sunday, Aug. 25 from 12 – 5 PM at the Cintas Center, continue with online programming, and culminate with a Peace Walk on Aug. 29 from 6 – 8 PM. The festival is a celebration of all faiths where we can have fun and learn from one another. This is the seventh year we have gathered at the Cintas Center. Nearly 2,000 people come to learn about the many religious organizations that are represented. Entertainment includes choral groups and dancers from many cultures. The exhibition features over 60 organizations representing 13 world religions and over 30 faith traditions. It is the flagship program of EquaSion and is open to the whole community. Admission is free.
EquaSion is a non-partisan civic organization founded upon interfaith dialogue that works to develop educational and community service programming to foster greater understanding, respect, compassion, inclusion, and engagement for all people and faith communities in Greater Cincinnati and beyond. Living our mission everyday through compassion and collective action, we engage people of all faiths to discover their shared humanity and spirituality, and to work together for an equitable and just community for everyone.
The Sunday programming includes breakout sessions about compassionate conversations, sacred connections, spiritual meditations, and Faith Communities Go Green. Following the Sunday celebration, there will be virtual sessions for these topics as well.
Thursday is our second Peace Walk. Held at Ault Park from 6-8, we will gather to march together, sing, and enjoy ice cream. The Peace Walk is open to the entire community and we hope to draw many who want to make their personal and communal statement about the need for peace in our world.
For more information about these events, please see the website.