Kids4Peace Cincinnati: Growing and Expanding Offerings
2017 was a year of significant growth for Kids4Peace Cincinnati. The number of campers doubled from the first camp in 2016. Twenty -one campers attended camp, and several of those were members who had attended the first camp in 2016. The second-year campers continued to build on some of the skills learned in the first year and facilitated some of the sessions for the new first- year campers. A few of those first- year campers remarked that they really enjoyed having the other campers teaching the sessions. At completion of the Day Camp, families and friends of the campers joined in for an interfaith pot luck dinner. More than 60 people attended that dinner, and now the pot luck dinners are continuing throughout the year.
We also expanded the year-round sessions for the campers. The new friends, made during the Day Camp session, were invited to get together again and attend additional programs throughout the year. Some of the sessions included: planting a “Peace Garden” on a beautiful spot donated from Spring Grove Cemetery. Additionally, members attended and observed services of all three faiths. After the services, the friends again gathered for discussion and fellowship. Always food! The campers met with students from Adath Israel Congregation and the Avondale Center to celebrate Martin Luther King Day.
Another popular event was to attend a Xavier Women’s Basketball game and joined the team courtside for a group photo.
Kids4Peace Cincinnati is now participating in additional Cincinnati Community programs, such as presenting programs for congregations and Vacation Bible Schools and will be represented at this year’s Cincinnati Festival of Faiths on June 24.
We are extremely happy to announce that registration is now open for the 3rd. Annual Kids4Peace Cincinnati, July 30-August 3, 2018. This year’s program has expanded to include another day of fun. Several campers have already registered! Please join that fun. Make new friends, share experiences, learn to stand together, and become a voice as a PeaceBuilder” in our local community. Also, you will have a wonderful time!
For questions go to To register, go to programs