What? Join us as we start off the New Year together and focus on the sacred connection of friendship. When? January 5th, 2 - 4 PM Where? Westwood First Presbyterian Church (3011 Harrison Ave, Cincinnati OH 45211) Why? To cultivate new friendships and grow current friendships. Building on the strength of EquaSion's Sacred Connections, we have learned about each other's faith […]
Ohio’s legislative process happens in two year increments which means a new General Assembly (136) will start in January and bills will have two years to make it through the legislative process. You can join the effort by attending our monthly anti-death penalty statewide meetings on the first Monday of every month at either 12:00 PM or […]
Ohio’s legislative process happens in two year increments which means a new General Assembly (136) will start in January and bills will have two years to make it through the legislative process. You can join the effort by attending our monthly anti-death penalty statewide meetings on the first Monday of every month at either 12:00 PM or […]
The 2025 Martin Luther King Jr. Day March and Program is extra special this year because we are celebrating the program's 50th year! Our theme is Jubilee for MLK's Beloved Community and we welcome Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries, Ohio State University, Professor of History. We will also recognize 50 individuals who have played a significant role […]
The FCGG Book Club is back! The FCGG Book Club will meet at 7:00pm to 8:00pm, Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Janelle Alen will facilitate the discussion on The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World by Peter Wohlleben Watch for emails from FCGG@greenumbrella.org with registration for […]
Join FCGG Book Club on zoom for an engaging discussion of The Hidden Life of Trees, What They Feel, How They Communicate, by Peter Wohlleben. January 22nd, 2025 7:30 to 8:30pm. REGISTER today to get the zoom link. Book Information
Join advocates to hear about the strategy to mitigate the death penalty in the upcoming year and ways that you can take action. Anti-Death Penalty Statewide Working Group Meeting Monday, February 3 12:00 PM or 6:00 PM Via Zoom
BEGINNER’S TUESDAYS On the final Tuesday of most months at 6:30 pm (see our Events calendar for exceptions) we will offer a session that mirrors our standard practice, except with meditation periods shortened to 15-minutes, additional orientation and instruction, and time allocated for questions and discussion. These sessions can be a good place to start […]
Are you new to the Immigration Justice movement? Could you use a refresher on how our immigration system works? Do you know someone who wants to understand the issue of immigration better? You are invited to a special offering of our Immigration 101 presentation. We will define basic terms, facilitate a small group activity using the Immigration […]
Resident Teacher Myo Wol Soen-sa offers words of reflection and encouragement during second sitting period. No preregistration or suggested donation.
Resident Teacher Myo Wol Soen-sa offers words of reflection and encouragement during second sitting period. No preregistration or suggested donation.