By Joanne Gerson | February 27, 2025
Cincinnati, Ohio — When we asked for volunteers to help with the Energy Efficiency Initiative (EEI), sixteen people gave the gift of time and energy by taking 4 all day classes to learn how to conduct Level 1 Energy Assessments. They shared their acquired gift of knowledge with ten EEI houses of worship, submitted written reports detailing how to lower the cost of utility bills, reduce polluting emissions, and create more comfortable buildings. Many recommendations can be performed by congregational members for little or no cost.
Ohio offers nonprofit’s grant opportunities to cover the cost of expensive energy efficiency improvements and Level 2 Energy Audits. An energy company offered to complete Level 2 Energy Audits for seven houses of worship facilities at a very low price, in part because of the accurate and well documented Level 1 Energy Assessments reports by the volunteers. Generous donations from Co-op Cincy and The Bruegguman Center paid for seven Level 2 Energy Audits. Armed with the Level 2 audits, the houses of worship can now apply for state grants to pay for recommended upgrades. If the houses of worship receive the grant awards, they can focus on creating a more resilient community with money saved by providing cooling centers during extreme heat events, or opening food pantries, or organizing programs for troubled teens, and so on.
To participate in the Energy Efficiency Initiative, complete the Survey found on the Facilities working group page HERE. [ ]
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