From Faith Communities Go Green
Cincinnati, Ohio — Sr. Cj Willie has been invited to be a panelist on The King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) on a webinar entitled Beacons of Hope: “Sharing Good Practices of Faith-Based Initiatives on Environment and Climate Change”. KAICIID , is an intergovernmental organization working in partnership with the United Nations to promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue to prevent and resolve conflict. The webinar will be held on February 7 th to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (details below). World Interfaith Harmony Week provides a platform, in February each year, to bring together mutual understanding and interreligious dialogue to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith. The ‘Beacons of Hope’ webinar will explore good examples and case studies of faith-led activities/ initiatives on environmental protection, the role of faith in environmental protection, as well as the role of faith in the mobilization of local communities in fighting against climate crisis. We are honored that Cj will present Faith Communities Go Green to the world as an example of a successful platform to partner with local faith communities to reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change.
How to Attend:
Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at -time- ET: Beacons of Hope: Sharing Good Practices of Faith-Based Initiatives on Environment & Climate Change,’ a virtual program.
As part of World Interfaith Harmony Week, the ‘Beacons of Hope’ webinar will explore good examples and case studies of faith-led activities, projects, and initiatives on environmental protection, the role of faith in environmental protection, as well as the role of faith in the mobilization of local communities in fighting against climate crisis. During the panel presentations, Sr. Cj Willie will present Faith Communities Go Green to the world as an example of a successful platform to partner with local faith communities to reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change.
Registration Required.