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Sacred People, Sacred Earth: A Global Day of Action

March 11, 2021

Sacred People Sacred Earth is the biggest-ever faith-climate justice day of action globally in support of the boldest-ever set of demands from diverse religious partners sponsored by GreenFaith. People are targeting climate justice issues in their own environment. Earth Connection Environmental Center is urging Ohio citizens to call for a repeal of HB6. Read more about this terrible law at https://repealhb6.com


We are asking you to call or email:
Ohio House Speaker Bob Cupp, 614-466-9624,
Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman, 614-466-7584,
and Governor Mike DeWine, 614-644-4357 and 614-466-3555
https://governor.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/governor/contact to
tell them that repealing HB 6 must be a top priority. Ask them to remove this stain on Ohio.

Repealing HB 6 will
• Restore confidence in Ohio legislators’ ethics
• Restore Ohio electric energy efficiency program ended by HB 6
• Restore and enhance Ohio sustainable energy goal
• End ratepayer-funded subsidies to obsolete, polluting, and non-competitive coal plants
• Remove unrealistic permitting, placement, and regulation of renewable wind and solar power
• Encourage renewable energy in Ohio law to benefit the environment and jobs

This is not only a matter of good economics, but also a requirement of faith. Let us know you made the call by cjwilliengo@gmail.com. Register online for Green Faith’s – Sacred People, Sacred Earth Day of Action, March 11, 2021


Green Faith
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